From Wikipedia, an autograph is a person’s own handwriting or signature. The word autograph comes from Ancient Greek (αὐτός, autós, “self” and γράφω, gráphō, “write”), and can mean more specifically a manuscript written by the author of its content, or a celebrity’s handwritten signature.
Here at & we pride ourselves on being able to find the finest signed collectables available. From Iron Maiden to John Lennon, Elvis Costello, Freddie Mercury and Madonna, we have an amazing selection of 100% fully authenticated signed items, all of which come complete with a certificate of authenticity.
There’s nothing more satisfying than finding that one record you have been desperately searching for. The one that you have been saving for, waiting for the day it appears and you are ready to make […]
Yes – This is THE famous Vinyl Factory edition of their 2009 album, Yes. Hand-crafted smoked transparent Perspex box with gold plated metal tick mounted on outer front, containing 11 super-heavyweight 200-gram vinyl records pressed […]
Entry requirements: male, obsessive and painfully predictable. Joining the long list of pointless undergraduate degrees, like David Beckham Studies, Golf Management and The Phallus, is a new three year course in Record Collecting at Stax […]
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