From Wikipedia, an autograph is a person’s own handwriting or signature. The word autograph comes from Ancient Greek (αὐτός, autós, “self” and γράφω, gráphō, “write”), and can mean more specifically a manuscript written by the author of its content, or a celebrity’s handwritten signature.
Here at & we pride ourselves on being able to find the finest signed collectables available. From Iron Maiden to John Lennon, Elvis Costello, Freddie Mercury and Madonna, we have an amazing selection of 100% fully authenticated signed items, all of which come complete with a certificate of authenticity.
For anyone who collects vinyl, we know that some of the most highly wanted pressings tend to be those classed as Audiophile. Those with the best hi-fi equipment will always want the best quality sounding […]
Kylie Minogue has danced her way to the Number One spot with her sixteenth studio album Tension along with Teenage Fanclub at Number Two. There are also new releases from Madonna and James Blake plus […]
There’s nothing quite like a mood-setting score to bring a movie to life. Whether it’s a classic by Ennio Morricone, a grandiose score from John Williams, or a harrowing trip from Goblin, soundtracks are important. […]
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