From Wikipedia, an autograph is a person’s own handwriting or signature. The word autograph comes from Ancient Greek (αὐτός, autós, “self” and γράφω, gráphō, “write”), and can mean more specifically a manuscript written by the author of its content, or a celebrity’s handwritten signature.
Here at & we pride ourselves on being able to find the finest signed collectables available. From Iron Maiden to John Lennon, Elvis Costello, Freddie Mercury and Madonna, we have an amazing selection of 100% fully authenticated signed items, all of which come complete with a certificate of authenticity.
The clue’s in the name. With 13 million records sold in the United States last year, and demand at its highest in a quarter of a century, pressing plants have been popping up all over […]
We all love collecting items from our favourite artist, be it Vinyl LPs, CD’s, Cassette’s, Posters and memorabilia. But there is nothing as good as owning something that has been autographed by the star of […]
You only have to look at the history of metal to realise how vast and extensive the genre is. It has spawned numerous subgenres, that have, in turn, given way to their own new and […]
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