Choice Cuts: Private Pressed Jazz from Milford Graves & Don Pullen

Nommo by Milford Graves & Don Pullen is a very rare original 1967 US three-part private press vinyl LP on a dark blue & yellow SRP label, the second volume of the ‘In Concert at Yale University’ recording and one of America’s first DIY Free Jazz records.

Milford Graves Nommo - 1st + PR enclosure vinyl LP album (LP record) US Q0LLPNO761650

This collector’s example was obtained from Jazz Journal’s Barry McRae’s personal collection. As a British writer for Jazz Journal for many years, ‘Bazzer The Jazzer’, as he was to become affectionately known, built up a massive collection of jazz vinyl of all kinds.

Milford Graves Nommo - 1st + PR enclosure vinyl LP album (LP record) US Q0LLPNO761650

Many were review copies, others signed gifts from musicians, or promo copies, in addition to the enormous number of records he bought for himself over the years. The heavyweight pasted picture sleeve even includes the super rare two page document, one A4 page for Graves and one page for Pullen that present SRP Records and describe the music.

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