…..It’s Ringo Starr’s very own copy of the ‘The Beatles’ a.k.a. ‘The White Album’ which was stored in a vault for 35 years! The LP was the very first copy pressed and you may recall it was auctioned as one small part of Ringo items with the profits donated to charity last December. Well, the Guinness Book Of Records (and they know about these things), have just confirmed that its final sale price was (cue fanfare) a whopping £522,438!!

You can read more about the auction at the Julien’s Auction website here
If you’re looking for rare Beatles vinyl (ok we haven’t got Ringo’s White Album) then be sure to check the Beatles Collectors Store at eil.com for a huge range of original pressed vinyl, imports, foreign pressings, rare CDs, memorabilia and more.
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