It is a great honour for a musician to have their music recognised with an award. Even if they are creating their art mostly for their own release, it has to be a wonderful feeling to see it has touched so many people when they are shown their album sales. You can have a part of that recognition with our stock of rare, genuine and highly sought-after record industry awards that we have in stock
Below is a smattering of the highlight that we have in stock at this time, and you can find our full range of awards over at eil.com
SUEDE Coming Up (Rare official 1997 UK Nude in-house PLATINUM sales award disc issued to commemorate sales in excess of 300,000 copies of the album. Features the CD album & sleeve artwork mounted on a platinum plate with a black felt background, above a platinum engraved dedication plaque with mini ‘Union Jack’ flag in the top left corner. Measures approximately 16″ x 16″, framed in silver aluminium and perspex glazed – a stunning item to hang on your wall!) ** Complete With Certificate Of Authenticity ** .
THE CORRS Talk On Corners – Special Edition (Official 1998 UK Atlantic Records in-house 10 x platinum award issued to commemorate sales in excess of 3,000,000 copies of the album. The award features a copy of the CD and album artwork mounted above an authentic, custom engraved silver dedication plaque, with miniature ‘Union Jack’ in the top left corner. This nicely framed and glazed award measures approximately 16″ x 16″ – a truly stunning item for a great album!) .
JOOLS HOLLAND Small World Big Band (Official 2001 UK Warner in-house double silver CD sales award presented to recognise sales of more than 600,000 copies. This nicely framed and glazed award measures 22″ x 11″ in size, and features two overlapping picture discs of the Compact Disc album, mounted above the sleeve artwork which has been signed by Jools in black marker pen, along with the authentic custom engraved dedication plaque. This stylish slimline autographed award wouldlook stunning on any wall!).
Be sure to check out the rest of our latest awards at eil.com, and if you have any items to sell, please call us on 01474 815099
eil.com – the world’s best online store for rare, collectable and out of print Vinyl Records, CDs & Music memorabilia since 1987
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