Now rightfully acknowledged as classics these ’90s albums from the Verve were fairly underground releases at the time. Now’s your chance to relive them with deluxe, remastered and expanded CD reissues plus 180g vinyl, all due for release today. If you’re looking for original Verve related CDs and vinyl be sure to visit to see what we currently have in stock, here’s our current Top 3, see more here
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It isn’t always the cheapest passion to have but being a record collector means you are often prepared to put your hand your pocked for that one-off rarity you’ve always wanted. Its worth it, because […]
Dua Lipa’s superb second album has dropped a few places on the UK vinyl chart down to five while Lancaster lo-fi psychedelic punk rock duo Lovely Eggs take the number ONE spot followed by Pigs […]
To give you, our customers, the chance to get to know the team behind, we like to let show you what we are about and what we have been listening to lately. First up […]
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