Dick’s Picks: The one and only single from Chris Bell

Extremely rare 1978 US wide centre 7″ vinyl single on the Car Records label.

Chris Bell I Am The Cosmos 7" vinyl single (7 inch record) US CBL07IA387014

This is the one and only single from the Big Star guitarist, and widely regarded as one of the greatest power-pop singles of all time, also including You And Your Sister with Chris on vocals & guitar reunited with Alex Chilton (from Big Star) on backing vocals with arrangement by Bill Cunningham and mixed by John Fry; complete with the rare original blue tinted picture sleeve.Chris Bell I Am The Cosmos 7" vinyl single (7 inch record) US CBL07IA387014


This example remains in an outstanding condition, the sleeve displays just a little light wear and minimal signs of age, and the vinyl very clean with very little evidence of play. An amazing example and only the second copy we have ever seen.

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