Here at we realise not everyone’s pockets are sooo deep they can stump up the readies for that uber-collectable slab of vinyl, CD boxset, vintage memorabilia etc etc….with that in mind we’ve put together this new weekly ‘Top 5’ of some of the more affordable collectables that pass through the doors each week at eil Towers, no items will be more than £50, here’s a few to whet the whistle, to see them all click here
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We are constantly updating our stock of rare and collectable jazz that we have in stock here, and it covers a wide range of artists and styles. We have modern, fusion, free jazz, jazz-funk, jazz […]
We’re not just all about Vinyl LPs and CDs… we regularly source collections of what we broadly refer to as ‘paper goods’. This is anything from the obvious tour programmes, posters and books to the more […]
I was a 19-year-old student at Columbia University in New York when I first met Lou Reed in 1968. I was chatting with Lincoln, a friend of his who had been his college roommate at […]
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