Happy 20th Anniversary J.P. – Twenty Years at eil.com!
It’s a cause for celebration here at eil Towers as J.P. from the stock addition team, is celebrating his twentieth anniversary at eil.com – yes that’s right 20 Years!!
So let’s set the scene: November 1996, a sprightly J.P starts, not only his first working day at Esprit International Limited, but his first working day like ever, ever, ever! John Major was Prime Minister, Bill Clinton was US president, Trainspotting was on at the cinema and the Spice Girls were number one in the charts with ‘Say You’ll Be There’. In 1996 Iron Maiden news (J.P. is a bit of a fan), vocalist Bruce Dickinson was temporarily replaced by Blaze Bayley for the X Factour and Virtual XI World Tour – so now you know!

Talking with J.P. (Jean Paul to his mum!), it’s evident how drastically the company has changed over the past twenty years, in ’96 that new-fangled internet/email was just being introduced, most sales were coming in via the phone with a team of 5 (possibly more?) dedicated to telesales alone!
J.P.’s first role was working on the then ‘new’ email department, the website was a simple text file which people could open or download, broadband was still a far-off dream and dial-up connections were all the rage!
After a brief spell as part of the telesales team J.P. found his true vocation as part of the stock addition team, back in the day descriptions of vinyl, CDs, memorabilia were short and not always detailed. Not so now says J.P. with descriptions of product “much more complex, with the emphasis on getting all the info 100% spot on”.
Needless to say, a real passion for music coupled with twelve years in stock addition, means he is the ‘go-to’ colleague should you require the lowdown on Black Sabbath Vertigo pressed vinyl, Led Zep album sleeve printing credits or just about any other record/music related detail.
J.P. we salute you!
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