The vault had to be forced open as the late-superstar had the code

The vault at Prince‘s Paisley Park home – thought to contain at least one hundred album’s worth of unreleased material – has been drilled open, according to ABC News.
The bank-style vault is said to have been a large room under the property containing shelves of Prince’s music, so much that ABC report that Prince’s estate could put out an album a year for the coming century.
“One day, someone will release them. I don’t know that I’ll get to release them,” Prince told The View of his vault back in 2012. “There’s just so many.”
The Bremer Trust have temporary authority over Prince’s estate (he left no will), and it’s not yet clear if or when the release of the music is likely to happen.
Susan Rogers, Prince’s former engineer, said in the report “We could put out more work in a month than most people could in a year or more.”
Read more at the NME
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