IKEA have just introduced a new storage unit called EKET. If you have a record collection you may well be familiar with Ikea’s Expedit storage unit which came in a small number of colours and size permutations. A couple of years back Ikea caused an uproar (alright, let’s get things in perspective, some hardened record collectory types were a mite peeved) when they announced they were discontinuing the Expedit range – only to be swiftly replaced by the very similar Kallax (I hope you’re paying attentiion at the back), so why are we getting excited about the Eket? Because, (over to Ikea now) they can be, “stacked, hung or combined in thousands of different possible combinations. EKET is the ultimate in fun, friendly and functional storage furniture. The potential for customisation with colours and the patterns you can make is unmatched by any other storage solution” – the dimensions are a little more snug but will still handle 12″ vinyl – here’s a link so you can see/read more…..
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