Here at eil.com we are big fans of record collections (you don’t say) and the many different ways that people choose to display them. With that in mind we’d love to have a sneak peak at how you store yours? Is your collection displayed in lavish bespoke cabinets, are they in boxes under the stairs, perhaps you’ve found another novel way of storing,organising, displaying your collection? If you have a picture that you’d like to share with us please email tim.card@eil.com some pics and, with your permission, we shall share on social media with our readers…..over to you…..

Looking for vinyl to put in your racks? Be sure to check eil.com to see our huge range of vintage vinyl, rarities, imports, new releases, reissues and more.
Got a story for our blog? email tim.card@991.com or call me 01474 816063
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