readers share pics of their record collection………..

….a short while ago we asked blog readers if they’d like to share with us some pics of their record collections, we’re pleased to say that many did and here, without further ado, is a selection of them….

This ‘mancave’ is in the U.K. – eagles eyes can spot some rather tasty boxsets including Stone Roses, Rage Against the Machine, Queen and more…..
…..nice to see that it’s not all boxsets and there’s room for some tasty 7″ vinyl too…
… this is very organised (wish I could say the same about my own collection!), more boxsets than you can shake a stick at with some Wagner at the top…
Very neat and tidy – shut those doors and who would know!
electro classics and breakbeats are lurking within!

If you’d like to show us some pics of your record collection, please email and we’ll share with our readers…..

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1 Comment

  1. Some info about what has been used for the vinyl storage would be helpful for those of us who haven’t yet got as far as organising stuff!

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